Friday, June 17, 2011

Follow Friday!

Want to win a $110 worth of blog design? Parajunkee is hosting a giveaway over at her blog. All you have to do is participate in Follow Friday!

Q: Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?
A: Tough question. I tend to read mostly fantasy, but I have a tough time picking a favorite book in that genre. It always changes based on what type of fantasy I'm reading at the time. Unless you count Frankenstein as fantasy, I don't think I have a current favorite.


  1. You didn't answer the question tho...
    following you now! hope you could follow back!

    Here's our Genre pick by TheJay2xA @We Fancy Books

  2. Hi there new follower here from the hop! Love your blog! :)

  3. New follower, hopping by!

    It's really hard to choose one specific genre, as it changes from time to time! :)

    Happy Hopping!
    My Hop

  4. Fantasy is my fav too!

    Happy FF! Hugs!


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